Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Like Woah!

It's been a busy time at TR. My hours have been expanded, and I'm feeling the physical and emotional aspects of that. I've worked about 43 hours in the last five days. And at least five more hours tomorrow. And then a day off. And then if starts over again. So that's good (money money money money) and bad (tired, sore, stressed, hungry). But mostly good. As a family friend told me recently, "Just be a duck." Meaning that I should just let the frustrations and stresses of my job roll off me like water off a duck. I think it's a good metaphor and good advice.

As some of you may have noticed, blogging isn't happening as often as I first thought it would. Part of that is because I'm lazy on my days off, and part of it is that I'm feeling pretty comfortable at TR in my position, so they huge exciting things aren't really there any more. They've become normal, every-week stuff. Like working double-digit shifts. Or playing peek-a-boo with the owners' infant son. Or messing up a dessert (usually over-baking or just plain spilling) just to make it again. Then there are other things, like having people come up to thank the cooks for a delicious meal, especially the appetizers and desserts (hey, that's what I do! Woohoo!). It's always nice to hear that my friends and family like my (and the restaurant's) food; likewise, it's just as nice to hear that from a complete and total stranger. Sweet deal.

Well, my energy is falling once again. I hope to blog more in the next few days. I took notes on some stories I wanted to share.

Quack quack,


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